Friday, 6 February 2009

Odyssey 13 - Information Landscape: Information Literacy & Public Library

Article Title: Information Literacy & Public Library

Journal Article: InCite, Issue 30, Jan - Feb 2009, p. 18 -19

Authors: Josella Chan & Janet Dudley


Information Literacy (IL) is considered as the core of lifelong learning in the information age. It is widely accepted in the educational sectors; however, some people missed out during formal education. Can IL programs in public libraries support these people to continue their learning? This article explores whether a possible Community IL framework, Prague’s Frame, can facilitate adult learning in public libraries. Further research on CIL is required to extend to many areas in multi- and inter-disciplinary manner.

Acknowledgement: Special thank to Associate Professor Helen Partridge at QUT. Her feedback and support make this possible.

This article is dedicated to the future of public libraries.