Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Odyssey 11 - A Virtual Landscape: Social Networking

Social Networking becomes popular nowadays. Many social networking software are available online, such as Facebook, Second life, Hi five, My space. I personally feel that sometimes they are good, but sometimes they are bad. It is good when my friends want to find me and that they can find me on the net, even though I move to another country. It is bad that my personal space shrinks and is invaded when I want to be alone. I feel that I am obliged to reply to friends or some acquaintances. Sometimes I feel bad that some strangers can view my friends and get on to them via my account. But someone said, 'That is social networking all about!' So, we are all responsible for our privacy and security. Be careful of giving out and using information!

How Big is Social Networking?

Safer Social Networking


Monday, 29 December 2008

Odyssey 10 - New Space : Online Applications

Online Application, such as Google Docs, creates a new workspace on the internet for everyone. I recently created an account on Google Docs for myself. My friend and I are working very hard on a document which I posted on Google Docs. I find that it is exciting because I can save it on the website and share the document with her. I sent her a link to invite her to join Google Docs, so she can edit wherever she is and whenever she wants. I really like the idea! So even though we are busy in our life, we still can work at our own space to meet the deadline.

We also think about combining other web 2.0 technology to make our work more efficient. For instance, we can have a web conference when we work on the same document on Google Docs at our homes at the same time. Such a wonderful idea!

My only concern with Online Applications is all about security. Although these online applications are available and are free to the public, I am worried about whether there are cyber criminals who can log in my account and steal my document. Would the Google company guarantee their internet security that their applications are save enough if people use them for small business or at work.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Odyssey 9 - Landscape of Mashup

What a clever idea of Mashup is! I thought that Mashup is very difficult and technical web technology and I would not be able to manage myself to do it. But it is as easy as snapping your finger and make it. "I make it!"

Where I have been

Make yours @ BigHugeLabs.com

Odyssey 8 - Landscape of Podcasting

Podcasting is an innovative idea to library services. How amazing is! Information service no longer focuses on keeping physical collection in the library, but it becomes reach out to the target community groups, such as children, young adult, adult, senior or professionals via broadcasting on the internet.

I enjoy listening to the teen podcasting at the Cheshire Public Library (CPL). The CPL teen podcasting is absolutely stunning. It is an award-winning audio-magazine featuring teen writers, musicians, and reviewers. It contributes story ideas, songs, poems, essays, book/movie/music reviews, comic sketches, or announcements. The CPL creates a space for teenagers to participate, create and express themselves on the air. The teenagers absolutely love it, but also the adults.

The Medline podcasting podcasts the current medical concerns and research. It is amazing to see that academic library services break the physical barrier, extends their information services to media broadcast and delivers information to their served community with digital format.

To learn more about how to make your own podcast, there are free information available on the internet.

Odyssey 7 - Landscape of Answer Broad

Answer Board is a cool idea for collaborative learning. Someone throw a question on the website, then other people on the web will throw their answers back to your question. That can occur within a second, or few days, or no answer at all.

I posted a question out there. The question is 'how does the decilious social bookmarking work?' Within an hour, one person replied to me. But the answer does not seem to be helpful to me, because that person replied that he/she just got on the delicious and needed time to work it out too. It seems to me Answer Board is more popular among the young people and their concerns; whereas the mature people haven't pay a lot of attention to it.

This may suggest the need for promotion of Answer Board could make a different of its use in the community.

Odyssey 6 - Social Bookmarking: "Delicious" vs "Library Thing"

Social Bookmarking is a fairly new idea to many people. In fact, it is so easy to create a social bookmarking account. "Delicious" or "Library Thing" are popular to those who love to put a bookmark on their websites and share with their friends.

"Delicious" is a social bookmarking for websites. Some people find that it is difficult to use. At the beginning, I personally feel the same, but I take some time to figure it out. I look up some useful websites and blogs and see what people say about it and share their learning experience of social bookmarking. I find that it is more than fun. It leads you to the new world of knowledge and information. I find a useful podcast tutorial that explains how to use the social bookmarking service Delicious for learning http://www.ottergroup.com/learning2.0/?p=14.

"Library Thing" is to catergorise your favour books online. Apart from tagging your favour items, you organise your library thing home page and share your bookmarks with other people or vice versa. There are interesting video regarding Library Thing training. You will enjoy it!

So what are the similiar and difference between the 'Decilious" and "Library Thing"?
Similarity: both social bookmarking websites encourage user to read, organise and share thier bookmark online and create a virtual community to discuss and share their information. The user will be benefited because they can increase the volume of knowledge and bookmarks within a short period of time by seeing other's bookmarks.

Difference: "Decilious" links to websites which are useful for research; whereas "Library Thing" connects the users to share their personal books which is suitable for reader advisory.

How does the social bookmarking affect the future library science, in particular, tagging and cataloguing? The following videos provide us an insight for the future library.

Future of Cataloging

Enjoy your trip! :)

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Odyssey 5 - Landscape of Web 2.0

Wiki and Wetpaint

Wiki is a Web 2.0 technology. It is easy to use and popular, but not everyone wants to join it. You can create your own Wiki website via the Wetpaint and share the idea with people who have the same interest on a particular topic or subject. It is like a social place for discussion in the virtual environment. A virtual forum for those who discuss the things that they have passion on.

Some public libraries use wiki to create a virtual social environment for library patrons to give feedbacks to their library services, a forum for them to express their concerns or to develop an online bookclub. Many coporation use wiki as a staff discussion board or forum.


Sharepoint 2007 is another kind of Web 2.0 technology for staff intranet in an organisation. It is similar to wikis and seems to take over wiki at some corporation or organisation for large project team meetings in the virtual environment. Different teams can post their discussion on their webpage for their own team and for other teams. Team members from different teams can have the access to other teams' webpages to leave message and request other teams to act on a specific task.

Web 2.0 is really cool for library if library patrons use it for their discussion regarding the community and their learning.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Odyssey 4 - Westling with Landscape of Sharing Video

It is exciting to know about new technology of sharing video on website, YouTube. Most people enjoy searching videos from YouTube and sharing their thoughts and ideas by uploading their videos on the website.

How do we embed video in the blog? Although it is simple and easy to do, I can wrestle for a while to get it done. I struggled with how to do it and make it work. This is an exploration of new information landscape and an experience of learning and gaining new knowledge via technology. This exactly what information literacy all about 'Learn by learning' and 'Learn by doing'. The learning experience encourages us to take a step out, to find information, to solve the problem, to answer a question, to lead us to another research question; and then to embark us on another journey of exploration and learning. Information Literacy empowers us, engages us in information and turns us to be information literates and active citizens.

The following video 'Your Public Library' describes how public libraries connect people to inforamtion and support the community learning. Enjoy the show!

Your Public Library

Odyssey 3 - Landscape of RSS

RSS feed makes our life easier to reach out information enviornment. "Bloglines" is one of rss aggregators which connects us to information that we need. I signed up "Bloglines" and subscribed to 16 feeds. They are the useful resources for the professional development for the librarians.

The website "The Shifted Librarian" is recommended to those who are interested in the best practices and new technology regarding library and information science.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Odyssey 2 - A New Landscape: Sharing Image

Public Libraries as Community Hubs

In the 21st Century, public libraries no longer focus on their collections and keeping reading materials. The public library can be a central hub for community life, a place for leisure. A library cafe is an attraction of leisure and reading.

Public Libraries as a Centre of Learning

Public libraries is called "Public University". It is ...

*a place to facilitate our learning;
*for everyone to get information;
*to access to internet and digtal environment;
*to tap into the sources that we need;
*to connect to society, community;
*to create and recreate.

Public Libraries are for All of Us

Public libraries are for everyone, people from all walk of life, gender, ethnicity and background.